Aduna Academy is an educational program based in San Francisco, CA, serving schools, after school and related programs in the Bay Area. We educate, support and empower our students to transform their lives and reach their full potential.
PreK/ Elementary
The PreK/ Elementary Program is a series of playful activities that revolve around the key themes and concepts of culture, diversity and community. Centered around a storytelling arch, our approach aims at motivating and giving every child a voice.
Middle/ High School
The Middle/ High School Program is a series of interactive seminars and workshops that revolve around the key themes and concepts of culture, diversity and community. Centered around a storytelling arch, our approach aims at motivating and giving every student a voice.
College/ Adults
The College & Adults Program is a series of synergistic seminars and workshops that revolve around the key themes and concepts of culture, diversity and community. Centered around a storytelling arch, our approach aims at motivating and giving every participant a voice.
Discover Aduna
Discover Aduna, our programs, mission, vision, values and the amazing people who make the magic of our organization.
News and Updates
Aduna Academy participates in the San Francisco Main Library’s “More than a Month” program, a celebration of “Black History Month”. Winter 2024. Read on …
Featured School
Success Stories
“Aduna changed my life, perhaps forever. Since I started the program, I have a much more positive outlook on life and the people I work with. I am also a more focused and productive employee at work.”
“I loved the Aduna workshops! Very quickly the Aduna team and everyone involved felt like a family, and I looked forward to our meetings, the ideas and the incredible insights I gained from them each time.
Thank you, Aduna!
I loved the African Princess book and enjoyed this program so much I was happy to become an Ambassador. I hope I can keep attending as long as possible throughout my life!
Global Ambassadors
Learners & Readers
Stay in Touch
Aduna Academy
P.O. Box 156602
San Francisco CA 94115
[email protected]
Non-Discrimination Policy
Aduna Academy is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.